Monday, October 17, 2011

Johnny English Reborn online

Rowan Atkinson again. So awkward (but amazingly) is not totally incompetent, fictional superspy MI-7, English is a self-imposed exile in a common stereotype of Asia (probably in the Himalayas), after failing to protect the life of Prime Minister Mozambique, in a failed operation some time after the first film. Paying attention to a sudden summons of his super-secret agency, English is, despite himself, along with rookie agent Tucker (Kaluuya) at the request of the chief reluctant and resentful Pegasus (Anderson) in a mission that is against the international conspiracy to eliminate the Chinese premier.

Learning along the way, that the disaster Mozambique, to his relief, was not his fault (Well, not entirely his fault), England to collect his wits, and diffuse the situation and find a mole, which is the work insidiously invisible within the confines of the same MI-7.

Johnny English Reborn online
With a chuckle, and here a laugh there, Johnny English Reborn, is at best a pleasant diversion that is not only for you while squeezing the grip of hysterical laughter. Certainly it is a series of running gags, like old ladies can get beaten mercilessly by tea trays and command obeying a Rolls Royce, but at the same time tinkering Atkinson can still get a smile on his trademark economy, there ' is no doubt that the film could be more fun.

Also, do not be fooled by "Reborn" part of the title, however. The film sees no major change in the character or upheaval in the universe, it fills up. (Aside from the fact that the practices of the East have greatly expanded its ability to take kicks to the groin). However, the film, for the most part, managed to get hard as a Spy irreverent take on a genre that, as seen in James Bond films of recent years has begun to take themselves too seriously.

All in all, Johnny English Reborn is a breezy watch. So that is certainly not a predictable path.

It's not like the top, as it could have been, or some hot, the film is as enjoyable as you might think a focus on a gadget from the bad guys armed Atkinson gives a run for their money might be. A safe bet for a family outing (exercises related to the groin is the only part in bold, out of a bikini slut dresses that distracts the English language in its operations in Africa) Johnny English Reborn is a lightweight, surreal, but end sadly forgettable film.

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